Job Search App
Job Search App
About Us
919 - Best App to find part time jobs around the globe.
The service will fundamentally change the structure of sourcing high caliber talent in lifestyle and entertainment industries. The service will target freelance, part-time and full-time applicants with its ease of access and approachable, streamlined format
The service for users was divided into two global roles: Employer and Applicant. An employer can create vacancies. An applicant can respond to created vacancies, participate in online interviews, take photos, and record video presentations.
Role Model
A user can choose either an applicant's role if they are looking for a job or an employer’s role if they are looking for specialists. An employer can be a company representative, recruiter, or freelancer.
Vacancy Base
An extensive base of vacancies in the following areas: Modelling, music, service, entertainment, and hospitality.
Vacancy Creation
An employer creates a vacancy, choosing the relevant parameters step by step. The parameters depend on the type of activity.
Employer Monitoring
A company representative or freelancer creates a profile, hosts castings, and hires and manages recruitment assistants right in the app.
An applicant chooses a field of activity and creates a profile portfolio. They can choose as many areas as wanted.
Response Management
An applicant responds to vacancies and manages them on a separate tab.
Online Interview
The applicant and employer communicate within the chat, after which the employer decides whether to accept or reject the candidate.